How a Holocaust philosopher can help us make sense of Trump’s disgraceful Jan. 6 pardons
For Vladimir Jankélévitch, some acts were beyond the realm of forgiveness
For Vladimir Jankélévitch, some acts were beyond the realm of forgiveness
Walter Benjamin's 1936 essay on art in the age of mechanical reproduction looks particularly prescient today
The Age of Mechanical Reproduction is upon us once more
A documentary details how controversial ideas about God, Mosaic law and finances all may have played a role in the philosopher’s exile
The philosopher examined the frailty of truth in an age of when politicians lie as naturally as they breathe
Martha Nussbaum's philosophy has forcefully argued for the importance of the humanities in a world that shrugs at art
As Hans Morgenthau and Hannah Arendt would remind us, choosing the lesser of two evils still means choosing evil
Emmanuel Levinas' ideas about the mystical meaning of faces lend new depth to the mug shot seen around the world
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