Ivanka Trump Quotes Hillel the Elder — Credits Emma Watson by Mistake
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We can all agree Emma Watson is pretty amazing. She’s a talented actress, a fierce advocate for women’s rights and will live on forever as our favorite brainy witch.
And Ivanka Trump couldn’t be more Team Watson. So much so, that the business mogul attributed a quote to the 26-year-old actress today, that actually originally came from Hillel the Elder.
Here’s Trump’s tweet:
See more #ITwisewords: https://t.co/KzEUXBsXFb #quote #inspiration pic.twitter.com/mWFdLSxaL3
— Ivanka Trump (@IvankaTrump) September 9, 2016
The quote is pulled from from Watson’s speech on gender equality at the United Nations Headquarters in 2014.
The actress was putting out a call to men as part of a her “HeForShe” campaign and concluded by paraphrasing one of Hillel the Elder’s quotes, “If I am not for myself, who is for me? And when I am for myself, what am ‘I’? And if not now, when?”
People have already begun to pick up on the misattribution.
@IvankaTrump Ms. Watson would be the first to tell you that she was quoting another source. #NeverAnyTrumps
— Susan Szilagyi (@susanszil) September 9, 2016
@IvankaTrump you know @EmWatson is not the source of that saying, she’s quoting the Mishnah (&she& u should say that if u want to be honest)
— Rabbi Mayer Gurkov (@TheRabbiMG) September 9, 2016
And every passover, we eat the Emma Watson sandwich https://t.co/pENUzrZv7F
— Kiera Feldman (@kierafeldman) September 9, 2016
@IvankaTrump Delete your Judaism.
— t.slothrop (@robotclam) September 9, 2016
H/t Michelle Ochs Windmueller (& Jordana Horn)
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