Farrah Abraham Rakes In $100K Royalties From Sex Tape
James Deen Image by Getty Images
Being a porn star — excuse me, sex tape featuree — pays the big bucks.
According to TMZ, “Teen Mom” star Farrah Abraham, who sold the rights to her sex tape with Jewish porn star James Deen to Vivid Entertainment for a six-figure fee in May, has raked in more than $100,000 in royalties.
$119,576.39 to be exact.
The X-rated flick, titled “Farrah Superstar: Backdoor Teen Mom,” made headlines this spring after Deen spilled the beans that the so-called sex tape was a professionally produced porn film, unwilling to have people believe he and Abraham were romantically involved.
“I told them that I am not a prostitute and I’m not going to go on fake dates with people for the tabloids,” he told Today.com at the time. “If you’re going to make a celebrity sex tape and try to pass it off as an amateur home video, you don’t hire a well-known porn star!”
Abraham was not pleased.
“After seeing James speaking about my personal video as a porn and not even contacting me before running his mouth, I have to say I am very disappointed,” she told Us Weekly.
I wonder if she’s reconsidered…
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