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Nazi-collaborator monuments

The Nazi collaborator monuments project index

A comprehensive guide

This list is part of an ongoing investigative project the Forward first published in January 2021 documenting hundreds of monuments around the world to people involved in the Holocaust. We are continuing to update each country’s list; if you know of any not included here, or of statues that have been removed or streets renamed, please email [email protected], subject line: Nazi monument project.

Many Nazi collaborators in this project have monuments in multiple countries. Some have honors in neighboring nations that were once part of a single political entity. Others, especially Eastern European collaborators, have monuments in their native lands as well as in the West; the latter were typically built by elements within diaspora communities in the U.S. and elsewhere. 

The index lists which country/countries an individual, organization or military formation has honors in. Links to country pages are found below. 

Country page abbreviations and links:

Albania (Alb). Argentina (Arg). Armenia (Arm). Australia (Aus). Austria (Aust). Belgium (Bel). Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bos). Bulgaria (Bul). Canada (Can). Croatia (Cro). Czech Republic (Cze). Denmark (Den). Estonia (Est). Hungary (Hun). India (Ind). Italy (Ita). Kosovo (Kos). Latvia (Lat). Lithuania (Lit). Moldova (Mol). North Macedonia (N. Mac). Romania (Rom). Russia (Rus). Serbia (Ser). Slovakia (Slo). Spain (Spa). Ukraine (Ukr). United Kingdom (U.K.). United States (U.S.)

1st Ukrainian Regiment “Holodny Yar” – Ukr

2nd Lithuanian Auxiliary Police Battalion – Lit

2nd National Labor Security TDA Battalion – Lit

5.SS-Freiwilligen-Sturmbrigade Wallonien aka the Walloon Legion – Est

12th Lithuanian Auxiliary Police Battalion – Lit

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS “Handschar” (1st Croatian) – Bos

14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) aka SS Galichina – Aus, Aust, Can, Ukr, U.K., U.S.

15th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Latvian) – Bel, Lat

19th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (2nd Latvian) – Bel, Lat

20th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Estonian) – Est

21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS “Skanderbeg” (1st Albanian) – Kos 

115th Schutzmannschaft Battalion – Ukr, U.S.

118th Schutzmannschaft Battalion – Ukr, U.S.

201st Schutzmannschaft Battalion – Can, Ukr, U.S.

III (Germanic) SS-Panzerkorps – Est

Alexianu, Gheorghe – Rom

Almirante, Giorgio – Ita

Ambrazevičius Brazaitis, Juozas – Lit

Andrusyak, Vasyl – Ukr

Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations (ABN) – U.K. 

Antonescu, Ion – Rom

Armenian Legion – Arm, Bul 

Arrow Cross Party – Hun, Rom

Arsenych, Mykola – Ukr

Azzariti, Gaetano – Ita

Babiy, Oleksa – Ukr

Bahlsen, Klaus – Ger

Balli Kombëtar – Alb, Kos, N. Mac

Baltūsis-Žvejas, Antanas – Lit

Bandera, Stepan – Arg, Ukr, U.S. 

Barabash, Teodor – Ukr

Beindorff, Fritz – Ger

Belarusian Central Council – U.S. 

Bergbauernhilfe aka the Ukrainian Military Units of Nationalists or the Sushko LegionUkr 

Berkenkruis (“birch-cross”) – Bel, Est, Spa

Black Legion – Bos

Blue Division – Spa

Boban, Rafael “Ranko” – Bos

Boccasile, Gino – Ita

Bode, August – Ger

Bogdan, Serhei – Ukr

Boris III, czar of Bulgaria – Bul, N. Mac

Bose, Subhas Chandra – Ind

Brose, Max – Ger

Budak, Mile – Bos, Cro

Bukovinsky Kuren – Ukr, U.S.

Bulba-Borovets, Taras – Ukr

Burdyn, Stepan – Ukr

Burko, Demid – Ukr

Busuladžić, Mustafa – Bos

Central National Committee (Chetnik advisory body) – Bos, Ser

Chav’yak, Volodymyr – Ukr

Chetniks – Aus, Bos, Can, Ser, U.S.

Crainic, Nichifor – Rom

Cristea, Miron – Rom, Ser

Debus, Kurt – U.S.

Demsky, Oleksiy – Ukr

Deputat, Volodymyr – Ukr

Deva, Xhafer – Kos 

Dodbiba, Sokrat – Alb 

Dolishnyak, Yuri – Ukr

Đozo, Husein – Bos 

Drenović, Uroš – Bos 

Ďurčanský, Ferdinand – Slo

Đurišić, Pavle – Bos, U.S.

Dutch SS volunteers, nurses and auxiliaries – Est

Dyachenko, Petro – Ukr

Dyakon, Yaroslav – Ukr

Emmanuel III, Victor – Ita

Flick, Friedrich – Ger

Francetić, Jure – Bos

Frashëri, Mehdi – Alb, Kos 

Frashëri, Mid’hat – Alb, Kos 

Free Corps Denmark (Freikorps Danmark) – Den

Free India Legion/Indian Volunteer Legion of the Waffen-SS aka the Indian Legion – Ind

Gakh, Dmytro – Ukr

Garasymiv, Yuri – Ukr

Gasyn, Oleksandr – Ukr

Goga, Octavian – Mol, Rom

Goncharenko, Averkiy – Ukr

Gorlis-Gorsky, Yuriy – Ukr

Graziani, Rodolfo – Ita

Gudzovatiy, Petro – Ukr

Gyr, Radu – Rom

Hadžiahmetović, Aćif aka Aćif Bljuta, Aćif-efendija – Ser

Harapi, Anton – Kos

Hasa, Xhem aka Xhem Gostivari – N. Mac

Häußler, Franz – Aust

Heraeus, Reinhard – Ger

Hilble, Friedrich – Ger

Himmel’raich, Kost – Ukr

Horia, Vintilă – Rom

Horthy, Miklós – Hun

Hrabets, Omelyan – Ukr

Hrynokh, Ivan – Ukr

Ignatavičius, Zenonas – Lit

Ilgner, Max – Ger

Iosyp Pozychanyuk – Ukr

Iron Cross, memorial to – Cze

Iron Guard – Rom

Ivakhiv, Vasyl – Ukr

Jelić, Branimir – Cro

Jevđević, Dobroslav – Bos

June 23, 1941 (Lithuanian Activist Front uprising) – Lit

June 30, 1941 establishment of the self-proclaimed collaborationist government of the Bandera faction of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) – Ukr, U.S.

Jung-Urania – Aust

Kachinskyi, Serhei – Ukr

Kedyulich, Ivan – Ukr

Khamchuk, Petro – Ukr

Khymynets, Oleksiy – Ukr

Klyachkivskiy, Dmytro aka Klym Savur – Ukr

Klymiv-Legenda, Ivan – Ukr

Kobilnyk, Volodymyr – Ukr

Körber, Kurt – Ger

Kosiuk, Vasyl – Ukr

Koval, Stepan – Ukr

Koziar, Anatoliy – Ukr

Krasniqi, Rexhep – Kos

Krasnov, Pyotr – Rus

Krikštaponis, Juozas – Lit

Krosi, Aqif aka Aqif Recani – N. Mac

Krupp, Alfried – Ger

Kubiyovych, Volodymyr – Ukr

Kurmanovych, Viktor – Ukr

Latvian Legion – Bel, Lat

Laval, Pierre – U.S.

Lenkavskiy, Stepan – Ukr

Lithuanian Activist Front (LAF) – Lit, U.S.

Lithuanian Territorial Defense Front (LTDF) – Lit

Lorković, Mladen – Bos

Lukasevich, Mar’yan – Ukr

Lukša-Daumantas, Juozas – Lit

Lutsk Police Academy – Ukr

Lutskyi, Oleksandr – Ukr

Makanec, Julije – Cro

Makarushka, Lyubomir – Ukr

Malkosh, Volodymyr – Ukr

Melnyk, Andryi – Ukr

Melnyk, Petro – Ukr

Messer, Adolf – Ger

Messerschmitt, Willy – Ger

Mihailović, Dragoljub “Draža” – Aus, Bos, Can, Ser, U.S.

Mitrovica, Rexhep – Alb, Kos

Mizernyi, Martin – Ukr

Moljević, Stevan – Bos, Ser

Mulyk, Mykhailo – Ukr

Muñoz Grandes, Agustín – Spa

Mussolini, Benito – Ita

Myron, Dmytro aka Orlyk – Ukr

Nachtigall Battalion – Can, Ukr, U.S.

National Christian Party (Romania) – Mol, Rom

Noreika, Jonas aka General Storm – Lit

Nugiseks, Harald – Est

Nyírő, Jòzsef – Hun, Rom

Nykolyak, Vasyl – Ukr

Nzhdeh, Garegin – Arm, Bul

Olzhych, Oleg – Ukr, U.S.

Omelyanovych-Pavlenko, Mykhailo – Ukr

Orano, Paolo – Ita

Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) – Can, Ger, Ita, Ukr, U.K., U.S.

Pačariz, Sulejman – Bos 

Paliiv, Dmytro – Ukr

Pandža, Muhamed – Bos 

Parhomovych, Leonid aka Leonid Poltava – Ukr

Pavelić, Ante – Aus

Pende, Nicola – Ita

Pétain, Philippe – Can, U.S.

Peter, Kostiantyn – Ukr

Pihotskiy, Terentiy – Ukr

Plechavičius, Povilas – Lit

Polovyi, Omelyan – Ukr

Polyanskiy, Yuri – Ukr

Porsche, Ferdinand – Aust, Cze, Ger, U.S.

Porsche, Ferdinand Anton Ernst aka Ferry Porsche – Aust, Ger, U.S.

Quandt, Herbert – Ger

Radić, Rade – Bos

Ramanauskas-Vanagas, Adolfas – Lit, U.S.

Rastoder, Osman – Bos 

Rebane, Alfons – Est

Reimann Jr., Albert – Ger

Rembolovich, Ivan – Ukr 

Riedel, Klaus – Ger

Röchling, Hermann – Ger

Rohach, Ivan – Ukr

Roland Battalion – Ukr

Romanian military forces under Ion Antonescu – Mol

Rosterg, August – Ger

Rudak, Danylo – Ukr

Rudiy, Roman – Ukr

Russian Liberation Army (ROA) – Cze, Ger, U.S.

Russian Protective Corps – U.S.

Ryznyak, Roman – Ukr

Samchuk, Ulas – Ukr

Samutin, Petro – Ukr

Sandžak Muslim militia – Bos

Sauerbruch, Ferdinand – Ger 

Schygel’skiy, Volodymyr – Ukr

Shandruk, Pavlo – Ukr

Shukatka, Andriy – Ukr

Shukhevych, Roman – Arg, Can, Ita, Ukr, U.S.

Shum, Oleksa – Ukr

Škirpa, Kazys – Lit

Skrygunets, Vasyl – Ukr

Skrypnyk, Stepan aka Patriarch Mstyslav – U.S., Ukr

Slipyi, Iosif – Can, Ita, Ukr, U.S.

Sonderkommando 4a unit of Einsatzgruppe C – Ukr

Sredersas, Bronius “Bob” – Aus 

SS Polizei-Selbstschutz-Regiment Sandschak – Bos

SS Volunteer Legion Flanders aka the Flemish Legion – Bel, Est

SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 23 Norge aka Regiment “Norge” – Est

SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 24 Danmark aka Regiment “Danmark” – Est 

Starukh, Yaroslav-Mykhailo – Ukr

Stetsko, Yaroslav – Ger, Ukr, U.K.

Stupnytskiy, Leonid – Ukr

Sushko, Roman – Ukr

Sydor, Vasyl – Ukr

Tešanović, Lazar – Bos

Tiso, Jozef – Slo

Todić, Cvijentin – Bos

Tribunal of Race – Ita

Trokhymchuk, Stepan – Ukr

Tscheulin, Emil – Ger

Tverdohlib, Mykola – Ukr

Ugryn-Bezrishniy, Mykola – Ukr

Ukrainian Central Committee (L’viv) – Ukr

Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) – Can, Ita, Ukr, U.S.

Ukrainian Liberation Army – Ukr

Ukrainian National Army – Ukr

Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council – Ukr

Ukrayins’ka Natsional’na Rada – Ukr, U.S.

Ustasha – Aus, Bos, Cro

Ustasha Youth – Cro 

Vasić, Dragomir “Dragiša” – Bos, Ser

Vasylyashko, Vasyl – Ukr

Vatsyk, Pavlo – Ukr

Verschaeve, Cyriel – Bel 

Vlasov, Andrey – Cze, U.S.

Vojtaššák, Ján – Slo

Vokić, Ante – Bos

Von Braun, Wernher – Ger, U.S.

Vulcănescu, Mircea – Rom

Wass, Albert – Hun, Rom

Weiss, Bernhard – Ger

Yakymchuk, Mykola – Ukr

Žemaitis-Vytautas, Jonas – Lit


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