Book party for Yiddish translation of ‘Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets’
A Yiddish review of the book praised its use of highly Germanized Yiddish for the pompous character Gilderoy Lockhart
The New York-based Yiddish book center CYCO is hosting a book signing party for the new Yiddish translation of R. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
At the event, which will take place at the bookstore on Sunday, Nov. 10 at 1 p.m., the book’s translator Arun (aka Arele) Schaechter Viswanath will be interviewed by Jordan Kutzik, Yiddish children’s book publisher and formerly deputy editor/staff writer at the Forverts. The interview will be in Yiddish.
Reviewing the book for the Forverts in July, Kutzik discussed its witty dialect cues as well as Viswanath’s decision to have the pompous character Gilderoy Lockhart speak in daytshmerish – a derogatory term for the highly Germanized Yiddish once used by Yiddish writers and journalists striving to appear “sophisticated.”
The book will be available for purchase at the celebration where Viswanath will be able to sign your copy. Following the interview and Q & A, singer-cantor Sarah Myerson will perform a selection of Yiddish songs with a magical theme. Refreshments will be served.
CYCO is located at 5102 21st St, Long Island City, NY 11101, where there’s ample space for parking.
The program will also be viewable via Zoom. But spots are limited so registration in advance is recommended.
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— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor