VIDEO: An Israeli reserve soldier on the front sends a pre-sabbath greeting in Yiddish
The soldier, named Yonatan, displays a kugel he received and wishes everyone “a peaceful shabbos”
On Friday morning, the Forward got hold of a pre-shabbos greeting in fluent Yiddish from an Israeli reserve soldier.
Two days earlier, the soldier, named Yonatan, had sent a video of himself singing The Partisan Hymn in Yiddish, while riding in a tank on a dusty road on Israel’s northern front. In this second video, received on Friday morning, Yonatan displays a kugel that he received for shabbos and then recites a well-known Yiddish proverb about kugel. Finally, he wishes everyone “a gutn shabes mit a sakh ruikeyt un nakhes” — a good shabbos with peace of mind and joy.
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— Rukhl Schaechter, Yiddish Editor