VIDEO: Funny skit of Jewish diners at a Chinese restaurant on Christmas
In this YidLife episode, comics Jamie Elman and Eli Batalion can’t agree on why this Jewish ritual is so popular
In this hilarious episode of the online comedy series, YidLife Crisis, Jamie Elman and Eli Batalion go through the familiar Jewish ritual of eating out in a Chinese restaurant on Christmas.
Why has this become such an ingrained tradition? It’s often attributed to the fact that Jews and Chinese lived in close proximity (e.g. Chinatown is right next to the Lower East Side of Manhattan) and because Chinese restaurants were the only eateries open on Christmas Day.
In this clip, called “Yingl Belz,” Chaimie (played by Elman), looks for deeper meaning in this ritual. Leizer (Batalion) thinks Chaimie is being ridiculous. As the argument gets heated, the hapless waiter gets caught in the middle.
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