Jewish Employees Get Lowest Salaries In Trump Administration – Sorta
Gary Cohn Image by Getty Images
The White House just disclosed the salaries of the people working in the Executive Office, and it doesn’t look good for the Jews.
Three employees receive no money at all for their role in the Trump administration, and all of them are Jewish. Another receives $30,000 annually — tied for the lowest non-zero salary on the list.
The silver lining for these particular Jews is that they each have net worths in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, members of the First Family, chose not to draw a salary in their capacities as advisers to President Trump. Also going without pay is Reed Cordish, the scion of a Baltimore real estate empire who now serves as an assistant to the president for intergovernmental and technology initiatives. Cordish is also married to a close friend of Ivanka Trump.
Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, takes $30,000 annually for his work. He is the former president and chief operation officer of Goldman Sachs.
At least one Jewish adviser to Trump — Jason Greenblatt — makes the highest possible salary for Executive Branch staffers, $180,000.
Contact Ari Feldman at [email protected] or on Twitter @aefeldman.
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