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The Forward no longer has a paid subscription offer. As of December 2023, for the first time in our 126-year history, Forward journalism is now free and available to everyone, everywhere.
We are taking this step because during this chaotic moment of war, disinformation and rising antisemitism, open access to our independent Jewish journalism is essential. That means, like National Public Radio and other nonprofit newsrooms, we are reader-supported and your donation makes our work possible.
Forward journalism is now free and available to everyone everywhere. We are taking this step because during this chaotic moment of war, disinformation and rising antisemitism, we believe that open access to our independent Jewish journalism is essential.
Without you, the Forward‘s stories don’t just go unread — they go untold. Become a Forward member today by making a monthly contribution to ensure our vital reporting continues and thrives.
Our Forward.com website is mobile optimized and can be read easily from any web-enabled mobile device or smartphone. We do not currently have a mobile app.
Email [email protected] or call 201-279-1927 between 09:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. ET.
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The Forward has many different newsletters that you can subscribe to.
Our daily morning and afternoon newsletters serve as our digital front page, showcasing our original enterprise and editorial judgment and helping our best stories take flight across the Internet.
The Yiddish Brief is a weekly newsletter with music videos, cooking shows, book reviews, the latest research in Yiddish literature, and much more.
The books newsletter is a monthly tour of the Jewish literary landscape.
You can choose which of the Forward newsletters you’d like to receive here.
We do not share or sell the personal information of our members nor send member mailings on behalf of other organizations.