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Wed, Jun 10, 2020
12 A.M. ET
This event was recorded and is available to readers of the Forward.
What’s it like to go to school in a time of curfews, Zoom classes and social isolation? Trapped inside, how do you manage to find freedom? Forward senior editor Adam Langer talks to the winners of our writing contest about being young, isolated and hopeful in 2020.
This is part of our new series, “#ForwardFocus: Talks in Trying Times,” in which Forward editors are moderating weekly talks with Jewish leaders working to build community through this crisis.
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ווען חנה האָט אויסגעפֿונען אַז סטיוו איז, ווי זי, פֿון מישיגען, זענען זיי גיך געוואָרן גוטע פֿרײַנד.